What is RoVE?


RoVE is the new government instituted Reform of Vocational Education, instituted by the New Zealand Government in 2019.

Information for apprentices

Your training is on the move to Industry Connection for Excellence (ICE)
As you will be aware the Reform of Vocational Education (ROVE) is well underway. This means that Skills is transitioning arranging training activity to a variety of organisations called ‘Receiving Organisations’. Arranging Training means the provision of on-job and off-job training and support. We can now confirm that as of 1 September, the arranging training activity related to your Roofing programme will move to Industry Connection for Excellence (ICE).

Training agreements and your information
The information Skills holds about you and your existing formal training agreement will also transfer to ICE with the same terms and conditions. Rest assured, your information will remain confidential and secure throughout the transition process.

Changes we are making behind the scenes
From 26 – 31 August 2022, we are implementing ‘read only’ to My Skills and Skillsbank. This means that no changes can be made to these systems during that period. You won’t be able to access your learning materials including RANZ videos or assessments. You will also need to hold on to their on-job books as these can’t be submitted during this time. Your Account Manager and our Customer Support team will be able to help you during this period.

There is nothing you need to do
The services you receive in relation to training programmes and support will carry over. Some of the Skills Account Managers are moving to ICE and as much as possible Account Managers will stay with their existing apprentices. ICE are calling these roles Account Managers. ICE and Skills are working together to ensure that all Account Managers are trained ready to support you. The same goes for your block course and night class provider. You’re currently enrolled with ICE which will carry over.

Next Steps & Support
If you have any further questions between now and 1 September 2022, please contact your Skills Account Manager they are best placed to help you. If you can’t get hold of them, please contact Skills Customer support team on 0508 754 557 or [email protected]

Frequently Asked Questions
Please take a look at the below Frequently Asked Questions as you may find it helpful.


Will this change impact my apprenticeship and how long it takes to complete?
No. Your apprenticeship stays on track. You will still have an Account Manager to support you through your learning journey and answer your questions.

My apprenticeship will finish soon after 1 September 2022, what happens to me?
We will keep your apprenticeship on track so you can finish as planned.


If I get a different Account Manager will the new person be experienced?
Yes, we plan to use a buddy system to pair new ICE Account Managers with transitioning Skills Account Managers.

Do I have the same Account Manager, or will they change?
In some cases your account manager will change, however during the transition Skills Account Managers and ICE Account Managers are working together to make the transfer as seamless as possible.

How do I get in contact? Will my Account Manager’s phone number and email change?
Until September 1, your first port of call is your current Skills Account Manager. ICE will be providing updated details for Account Managers from the week of 30 August 2022.

Will a new Account Manager know about my apprenticeship and be experienced in how to support me?
Yes, we will use a buddy system to pair new Account Managers with experienced Account Managers, so if you do have a new Account Manager, they will be up to speed with your apprenticeship details.

Will my Account Manager still be locally based?
Account Managers will be based across New Zealand. If your Account Manager changes, we’ll aim to match them as close as possible to where your existing Account Manager was located.


What is ‘read only’ and when does it start?
From 26 – 31 August 2022, My Skills and Skillsbank will go into ‘read only’ mode. This means that you won’t be able to make any changes in these systems during that period and you won’t be able to access your learning materials including RANZ videos or assessments. We will send out email and text message reminders to you prior to the 25 August.

Will I still be able to see all information about my credits/progress in My Skills?
Yes, but only up until the 25 August 2022 before we go into read only. Don’t worry, none of your progress will be lost during that time, we will ensure that this is up to date for you from 1 September.

What about submitting on-job books?
You won’t be able to submit on-job books during the read only period but hang on to them as you will be able to submit them from the 1 September 2022 direct to us.


Will I continue using My Skills and Skillsbank when I move to ICE?
Not for My Skills. ICE will provide you a temporary online portal to use from the 1 September 2022 to access your reports and progress while they setup their new online portal which launches on 1 October 2022. The great news is all your online progress and learning you completed before the read only period will be transferred so you can pick up where you left off.

You will continue to use Skillsbank for your online learning from the 1 September 2022 while ICE setup their new online learning management system which launches on 1 October 2022.

Will I be given new logins, passwords etc.?
We will provide you with new logins and passwords to access the new systems. We will send you an email with links to the new system and instructions the week of the 29 August 2022 for the temporary online portal.

In September, we will send you links and instructions for the new online management system that launches on 1 October 2022.


Are the on-job books going to change?
Keep using what you have. For new apprentices and replacement copies, you will receive the same course material which will be ICE branded.


Do I still go to the same place for block courses/ night classes?
Yes, you’ll keep attending your block courses/off job training with ICE.


Will short courses continue to be paid as they were through Skills? E.g. First Aid, Confined Spaces, Height Safety?
The fees for the short courses are incorporated into your standard apprentice fees. (All Apprentice fees are covered by the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF) up until December 31, 2022). If Height Safety, Confined Spaces and First Aid are required for your training, ICE will manage the payment to the provider directly. However, you will need to cover the fees for any re-sits or refreshers.


What is happening with the TTAF and Fees Free schemes and what does that mean for me?
TTAF has been extended to December 2022. From January 2023, Fees Free schemes will be back as they were prior to TTAF.


What will happen to devices that have been provided to me through the Skills Tech fund?
We have taken over these devices from Skills so you can continue to use your devices.

What will happen to E-pen dyslexia aids issued by Skills?
We have taken over the E-pens from Skills so you can continue to use your E-pen.


Will my existing training agreement need to change?
No. Your existing training agreement still stands and will be transferred to ICE from Skills.

What do I need to do as part of this change?
Nothing – we are doing all the background work to ensure the move is as smooth as possible. Your ICE Account Manager will be in touch with you from the week of 29 August 2022 to introduce themselves and chat with you about your needs and answer any questions you may have.


What should do I do if I have further questions?
Please call your Skills Account Manager. They are the best placed to help you. If you can’t get hold of them, please contact Skills Customer support team on 0508 754 557 or [email protected] who will be able to help you.