Frequently Asked Questions
Can anyone train for Level 4 plumbing, gasfitting, drainlaying and Roofing at ICE?
No. The Level 4 qualification is only open to someone who is employed as an apprentice by a plumbing or Roofing company. Apprentices need to have a current limited certificate license issued by the Plumbers, Gasfitters & Drainlayers Board (PGDB). This limited license will indicate your programme of learning.
Is there parking?
There is ample onsite parking at our East Tāmaki site, and plenty of roadside parking at Ōtaki.
Why should I choose ICE as my training provider?
ICE was created by industry for industry, and we are the connection between trainees, employers, and the wider industry. Our focus is narrow, we are solely focused on plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying, not a myriad of other courses. ICE has earned the respect and support of industry bodies such as Master Plumbers NZ, ATT, RANZ, and Master Link. Suppliers of tools, materials and products also support ICE with their expertise. Our trainers are experienced, well-rounded people with the necessary qualifications, and they work hard to ensure our trainees learn well. They are the main reason so many ICE trainees successfully progress their apprenticeship training. Our facilities are modern, and we are continually looking to innovate the delivery of training, whether in the classroom, the workshop, the drainage pit, the gas containers. We have even begun developing practical training delivery via Microsoft Hololens augmented reality technology.
How long will it take me to do my apprenticeship?
It depends on which disciplines you are training for:
- Plumbing, gasfitting, and drainlaying – 60 months
- Plumbing and drainlaying – 48 months
- Gasfitting
- Drainlaying
- Roofing
What sort of training will I do at ICE?
You will attend around three block courses every 12 months. These will consist of some theory work in the classroom, demonstrations in the workshops, gas containers or drainage pit, and practical assessments. There is a requirement for you to do some theory work and assessments in your own time outside of block courses.
Is there an age limit for plumbing, gasfitting, drainlaying & Roofing apprenticeships?
Is ICE a training provider?
Yes, ICE delivers training for the Skills Level 4 NZ Certificate in Plumbing Gasfitting and Drainlaying. NZQA has granted ICE registration as a Private Training Establishment.
What if my employer doesn’t do work in one of the disciplines I want to do?
Some plumbing companies don’t do gasfitting and/or drainlaying. If your employer doesn’t have a Certifying Gasfitter on their staff, you cannot train for gasfitting. This is because you need on job exposure and training as well as off job training at ICE.
You can train for drainlaying even if your employer doesn’t have a certified drainlayer on their staff.
Where does ICE do its training?
We have two training facilities:
364 East Tāmaki Road, East Tāmaki for trainees from Northland and the wider Auckland region.
47 Miro Street, Ōtaki for trainees from the Wellington region, Kāpiti Coast, Wairarapa, Manawatū, Whanganui, and Taranaki.
How much will it cost?
Since 2018 the first two years of apprenticeship training fees have been free, initially under the Fees Free programme, and more recently via the Targeted Training and Apprenticeship Fund (TTAF). The TTAF supports learners to undertake vocational education and training without fees, and runs until 31 December 2022.
Do I have to train for all three plumbing, gasfitting and drainlaying disciplines?
You can train for:
- Plumbing, gasfitting, and drainlaying
- Plumbing and drainlaying
- Gasfitting
- Drainlaying
What if I find reading, writing and numbers really challenging?
ICE has had many trainees with learning challenges. We work with the trainee to develop a support plan that can include outside help. If you think you might need help, talk to your tutors. The sooner you do this, the sooner we can support you.